Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sport as Spectacle of Michael Jordan - 2320 Words

Case Study I have devised a presentation in order to critically analyse sports as spectacle, my research question consists of how Michael Jordan’s elite NBA career elevated media speculation. By critiquing theorists such as Debore, Abercrombie amp; Longhurst and Tomlinson I can illustrate how spectacle is perceived in our mediated society. Media In an era of global technology, instant news, infomercials, electronic town meetings, and â€Å"Made for TV Documentaries,† the borderlines between news and analysis, news and entertainment, news and fiction are constantly shifting. As techno capitalism moves into a dazzling and seductive information/entertainment society, mergers between the media giants are proliferating, competition is†¦show more content†¦Connell (1995) developed this concept to describe how masculinities are always relational and, thus, one’s identity is continually constructed in relation to â€Å"otherness.† Crucially, Connell sees masculinity as integrally connected with power and constantly negotiated. (Alexander, 1994) notes that Black bodies displayed â€Å"for public consumption have been an American spectacle for centuries. This history moves from public rapes, beatings, and lynching’s to the gladiatorial arenas of basketball and boxing† Images of masculinity as powerful and natural on televised sporting spectacles offer men of all socioeconomic backgrounds one of the most powerful sites to collectively identify with masculinity and an ideology of male physical and cultural superiority (Messner, 1988; Theberge, 1991). Globalisation Globalisation has become a fashionable term used for numerous years amongst humanities and social sciences. Usage of this term has been driven by an academic fascination with the world as an increasingly interconnected place, in which localized forms of culture have become increasingly subject to homogenizing global influences (Maguire, J) An element of globalisation can be identified by joining with Robertson (1992) in saying that globalisation refers to the crystallisation of the whole into a whole space. The globalisation of sport on a national state level isShow MoreRelatedEssay on Media Models In Everyday Life1254 Words   |  6 Pagesthat sports have the power to bring people together and unite them with a common goal. Sports are an enormous part of the media and cultures all over the world. Whether it be the Super-bowl, World Cup, or Olympics, millions of people continue to unite and cheer for the teams they support. 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